Fast ForWord

Fast ForWord:  A radically different online program that targets foundational phonemic awareness, language, memory, attention, processing and sequencing skills.  The strengthening of these skills result in a wide range of improved critical language and reading skills such as phonological awareness, phonemic awareness, fluency, vocabulary, comprehension, decoding, working memory, syntax & grammar.

Efficient  –  Students can average a 1 to 2 grade level reading gain in 8 to 12 weeks.

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Effective –  Scientifically based research in education has shown that with the recommended protocol use, Fast ForWord products dramatically improve brain processing efficiency and reading skills.  With data gathered independently from almost 30,000 students, we have one of the largest databases of user results in education today.

Enduring –  Our reading improvement products use patented technologies that leverage the science of brain plasticity by exercising processing skills through intensive adaptive activity.  This triggers actual physical changes to occur in the brain.  Those physical changes result in enduring gains in language & reading skills as documented in longitudinal studies.

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